Monday, June 14, 2010

World Cup? No, I had something better to do with my Sunday!

    I know my last post was a downer.  It was a mixture of a rant and a little typing madness.  The comments were quite sparse; as I suspected the would be, in fact I got two more than I thought I would.  There is a gentleman out there that I met a number of years ago through my work, a customer, a great guy, and one of the nicest and most interesting people you'll ever meet who also helped me to see the brighter side again.

    While I've known him for a number of years, yesterday was the first time our families met.  He and his family not only sponsored our walk team, they joined it.  Although the majority of our relationship is based on the work we do together, I would most definitely call him a friend.  He has a passion for family and being a father that he wears on his sleeve like no one else I know.  While diabetes has not been in his home, something awful has been and it took a great toll on the family.  Thinking back to a dark time in his life not so long ago was a startling reminder for me that even outside our growing community of D-Moms and Dads, there are parents who walk a life and death line even thinner than ours.

    Yesterday was a good day.  Actually it was a great day.  Yesterday was the 2010 TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes.  About 800 or so walkers, families, friends, supporters, joined together to celebrate the difference we are making.  We came up a little short of our community goal, but none the less we achieved a walk day total of $125,000 which is a $30k or so improvement over last year!  After months of hard work and long hours, it all came together with only a couple minor glitches that were pretty much made up for by the cooperative weather.

    Working with the events and logistics committee these past several months has been a fantastic and rewarding experience.  The Family Walk Chair position has a two year term and I'm really looking forward to the coming year and being a part of making this annual event even more successful.  One of the highlights of the last few weeks was getting to call the families that had registered for past events but not yet registered this year.  I could do a couple pages on that one, but suffice it to say it was mind-blowingly awesome to talk (real-time) to parents in the exact same boat.

    Another neat thing about the event was that since it was partly sponsored by Bayer, Roche, and Medtronic... and they were there... with their pumps... and pumpers... and samples.... and literature....  It was kind of like a little outlet mall of pumps.  I think I'm over the fear of pumping, and as soon as I can get over the fear of change...  I know it sounds like procrastination, but I do still have that 1 year idea stuck in my head, but that also allows Jonathan to get through a summer and back to a school routine before the change.  I have no doubt that we will at the very least give it a fair try.

    It was a big, long, and draining day, but it was a great day.  As much as I would not wish time away, I am looking forward to June 2011 to do it all over again!


  1. I've been behind on the blogs lately....I went back and read your last post, and just want you to know that I have days like that too. Even now,5 years later, I still have moments when I feel overwhelmed by the seemingly permanence of this diagnosis....but then there's hope.

    And hope is the reason for such wonderful events like the walk you just participated in! We love our local walk, and always feel motivated when it's over. I'm so happy you had a nice time!!!!

    FWIW, I was really hesitant about the pump. Addy's endo began trying to "have the coversation" around 8 months after dx....I kept blowing her off and that's when she cornered me into AT LEAST talking about it. It took me another 10 months before I actually got up the nerve to hook her up.

    The pump has been a huge blessing for all of us on this journey. I'm doing a pump pack give away this week -- check it out! Never know when you'll be ready to need one ;)

  2. Congrats on a successful Walk!!! It sounds like your community did an awesome job!

    I am two years into life with D, I still have both of my daughters on multiple daily injections. It is scary to change, but sometimes it is for the best. We haven't started pumping yet for two reasons...

    #1-Miss E has been absolutely terrified of it and her Endo. did not feel we should push her into something she wasn't ready for.

    #2-Both of my daughters A1C's have been really good and again, Endo felt we were having great success without pumping and didn't need to change their routine yet.

    Now that Miss E will be starting kindergarten we are beginning to discuss pumping and she is actually very eager to start. I think we have to do it when it feels right as a family and you will know when it is time.

    I wish you lots of luck with whatever decision you make :)

  3. What a rock star for skipping soccer for the walk! The walk is ALWAYS a great time. It is so nice for everyone to come just feels good to feel supported and not alone in all of this. Congrats on a successful walk, and kudos for volunteering!
